Yousif Alsharif Advocates and legal consultant

where there is a will, there is a lawsuit

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Yousif Alsharif Advocates and legal consultant

Creative solutions for legal problems

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About Us

Experience in Law For Over 25 Years!

Experience in Law For Over 25 Years!

Specialists in all aspects of litigation and providing comprehensive range of legal services aiming to meet all clients’ needs and surpass their expectations. Yousif Al-Sharif Advocates & Legal Consultants (YSALC) is a full-service law firm that offers comprehensive legal support across a wide range of services, industries and sectors. In 1995, YSALC was founded by Chairman/ Dr. Yousif Al-Sharif based on a vision to provide our clients with skilled legal advice in a timely and efficient manner. We strive towards excellence by enhancing our working principles into everything we deliver to our clients. As one of the leading firms in Dubai, YSALC serves a range of leading companies in the sectors of insurance, real state, trade, manufacturing and media locally and globally. Based on this unique experience, the firm has rapidly grown to conjoin a highly specialized and highly qualified team of Attorneys and Legal Consultants. We continue to build a reputation in the legal field that is not only effective, but also innovative.


Explore our practice areas that suit your needs. Our experienced lawyers at Yousif Al Sharif Advocates & Legal Consultants L.L.C law firm has successfully helped dozens of major corporations and businesses in many countries.

Personal Rights & Civil

As we indicated, the above are just examples of our services in the area of Civil Law, however, our expertise in the civil transactions law manifests itself in representing insurers and individuals before competent courts & committees to claim compensations for them.

Personal Rights & Civil

As we indicated, the above are just examples of our services in the area of Civil Law, however, our expertise in the civil transactions law manifests itself in representing insurers and individuals before competent courts & committees to claim compensations for them.

Incorporation of Companies

The firm has specialists in the proceedings of registration & declaration of Establishments & Companies with their Amendment Addendum's at all local and federal Ministries & Departments in the U.A.E, including but not limited to, Ministry of Economy & Industry, Department of Economic Development & Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Incorporation of Companies

The firm has specialists in the proceedings of registration & declaration of Establishments & Companies with their Amendment Addendum's at all local and federal Ministries & Departments in the U.A.E, including but not limited to, Ministry of Economy & Industry, Department of Economic Development & Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Conciliation & Arbitration

Our firm is distinguished for its advocates and consultants holding international certifications and accredited by both Arab & International Committees. Hence, they are most capable of representing our clients as members of arbitration panels and as pleaders before such panels too due to their being in constant contact with local and international arbitration centers.

Conciliation & Arbitration

Our firm is distinguished for its advocates and consultants holding international certifications and accredited by both Arab & International Committees. Hence, they are most capable of representing our clients as members of arbitration panels and as pleaders before such panels too due to their being in constant contact with local and international arbitration centers.

Pleading & Defence

Pleading & defence before all courts: Our firm has a number of advocates who are licensed to plead before all U.A.E Courts of different kinds and levels, namely, the Courts of First Instance, the Courts of Appeal, the Court of Cassation in Dubai and the High Federal Court in Abu Dhabi. No doubt, the abilities and qualifications of our advocates who are licensed to appear before U.A.E Courts, play a major role in persuading the judge of the pleas and defenses they put forward in favour of our client.

Pleading & Defence

Pleading & defence before all courts: Our firm has a number of advocates who are licensed to plead before all U.A.E Courts of different kinds and levels, namely, the Courts of First Instance, the Courts of Appeal, the Court of Cassation in Dubai and the High Federal Court in Abu Dhabi. No doubt, the abilities and qualifications of our advocates who are licensed to appear before U.A.E Courts, play a major role in persuading the judge of the pleas and defenses they put forward in favour of our client.

Investment & Freezones

Our firm contracts with major expertise houses in the field of Investment and Free Zones in order to provide excellent and outstanding services to all local & international investors, with the high growth in the volume of trade and increase in the number of free zones in the U.A.E. which made this field highly important and worthy of our attention and best service.

Investment & Freezones

Our firm contracts with major expertise houses in the field of Investment and Free Zones in order to provide excellent and outstanding services to all local & international investors, with the high growth in the volume of trade and increase in the number of free zones in the U.A.E. which made this field highly important and worthy of our attention and best service.

Civil Law

Our firm always looks forward to provide extraordinary legal services to its clients in the area of civil law due to its private nature, branching out & link with other related laws, and because it regulates civil transactions between individuals and companies alike .Here, we offer various services covering all branches of civil law.

Civil Law

Our firm always looks forward to provide extraordinary legal services to its clients in the area of civil law due to its private nature, branching out & link with other related laws, and because it regulates civil transactions between individuals and companies alike .Here, we offer various services covering all branches of civil law.


Yousif Al-Sharif

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تلعب دوراً كبيراً في زيادة معدل الجرائم الإلكترونية بسبب إخفاء هوية مرتكبيها

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تلعب دوراً كبيراً في زيادة معدل الجرائم الإلكترونية بسبب إخفاء هوية مرتكبيها

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تلعب دوراً كبيراً في زيادة معدل الجرائم الإلكترونية بسبب إخفاء هوية مرتكبيها

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تلعب دوراً كبيراً في زيادة معدل الجرائم الإلكترونية بسبب إخفاء هوية مرتكبيها

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تلعب دوراً كبيراً في زيادة معدل الجرائم الإلكترونية بسبب إخفاء هوية مرتكبيها

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تلعب دوراً كبيراً في زيادة معدل الجرائم الإلكترونية بسبب إخفاء هوية مرتكبيها

Quesions & Answers

ما عقوبة التعدي بين الأزواج؟
تغير الدخل يثير نزاعات بين مطلقين لتعديل «النفقة»
هدايا خطوبة وزواج تقود إلى نزاعات في المحاكم
هل يمكن دفع أتعاب المحاماة بعد انتهاء الدعوى؟

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